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Gap Seal Product Details

gap seal

Material: Polyacetal resin TK – AD; Delrin 100

Limits of use:

  • Temperature limits: – 40° C to 60° C/ – 40° F to 140° F
  • Speed limit: shaft speed 80m/ sec

Our Gap Seals Can Tolerate a Variety of Chemicals

Our gap seals are made from acetal resin and are resistant against a large variety of chemicals, like:

  • Common organic solvents
  • Alcohols
  • Esters
  • Ketones
  • Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons
  • Greases and oils

Gap SealsGap Seals

Alkaloid water, even at higher temperatures, doesn’t harm this material. Another advantage of this material is the very low value of water pickup (max. 0.8%).

One drawback of using acetal resin in our gap seal is that it can’t be used to seal against oxidizing agents, organic or inorganic acids (pH < 4).

How Does a Gap Seal Work?

The GMN Gap Seal is mounted from two plastic parts, which create a zig zag shaped gap based on a conic envelope. Peaks and valleys of the inner and outer ring profiles (turned by the same tool) merge when snapped together during the mounting process.

The gap seals are shipped to you as an inseparable unit.

Labyrinth Sealing Principle

The basic principle of a labyrinth seal is based on the geometric shape of the labyrinth inside the seal. This maze makes the contaminant turn corners before it could ever make it’s way to penetrate the bearing.

With our Gap Seal the efficiency of the centrifugal force to accelerate the contaminant radially to throw it away from the sealing gap is increased by the conic envelope of the labyrinth.

To penetrate the seal the contaminant has to overcome the centrifugal force by creeping from the larger labyrinth diameter facing the contaminant to the smaller diameter on the “dry” side of the seal. Particles penetrating the first steps of the conic labyrinth are expelled by the centrifugal force and led back to the side of the seal facing the contaminant.

There is no chance for a Gap Seal to protect against higher liquid levels and a pressure gradient between inside and outside of a Non-Contact Seal. Pressure gradients may be reduced or throttled but not sealed.

Protect Against Dust Contamination

For this type of requirement the Gap Seal may be filled with grease before it mounts to increase the sealing efficiency against dusty environment. A certain amount of the grease may be moved out of the seal by rotating shafts.

The right mounting direction

Care should be taken to install the Gap Seal the right way – the larger labyrinth diameter has to point to the contaminant.

Axial and radial clearance

Axial and radial clearance of the seal are almost the same – approximately 0.5 mm. Both interfere each other.

Speed Limit

Speed Limit

GMN Gap seals are pressed onto the shaft with a certain press fit. Due to centrifugal forces the inner ring could lift off of the shaft. The diagram below shows the speed limit depending on the size.

How to Increase Sealing Efficiency

Problem: The contaminant is splashing directly into the sealing gap.

Solution: One should use a disc in front of the seal with enough space between the seal and the disc to avoid backup of liquids in front of the sealing gap.

Problem: Heavy splashing liquids.


  • There should be enough free space in front of the seal to allow free dropping or flowing of the splashing liquid.
  • In addition one may use the “Sa Type” for rotating shafts or the “Si Type” for rotating housings.

Problem: Dual sealing function required

Dual sealing function

Solution: To keep the contaminant out of and the lubricant inside of the unit one may use two seals back to back (smaller labyrinth diameters of both seals facing each other). You should use a distance ring of at least 0.5 mm in between the seals. If heavy splashing liquids are expected, one may prepare drain hole located between both outer rings; in this case a minimum distance of 3 mm between both seals should be used.

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